Pathology Lab
Testing times
At Alpine Animal Doctors we have invested heavily in building our own fully functional pathology lab right here in the hospital, eliminating the need to use external laboratories for all but the most unusual and complex tests and dramatically reducing waiting time for results.
Our sophisticated in-house equipment can handle more than 98 per cent of all the blood, urine and serum tests our patients need, with results available in less than an hour in most cases.
We believe that Alpine Animal Doctors is the only animal hospital in the region with the ability to conduct virtually all our pathology testing in-house.

Hospital opening hours
- Monday: 8.30 to 5.30
- Tuesday 8.30 to 5.30
- Wednesday: 9 to 1
- Thursday: 8.30 to 5.30
- Friday: 8.30 to 5.30
- Saturday: 9 to 1
- Sunday: Closed
7047 Great Alpine Road,
Porepunkah, VIC 3740
Current and prospective clients are always welcome to inspect the hospital facilities at Alpine Animal Doctors. Clinic tours are strictly by appointment and can only be conducted when sterile areas (e.g., operating theatres) are not in use.
To make an appointment please call…
5756 2444
Immunoassay testing for animals
At the core of our path lab setup is a Siemens Immulite 1000 Immunoassay machine. You can find the same machine installed in major pathology labs (including human path labs) around the world. Our Immulite 1000 gives us the capability to conduct more than 75 different tests including progesterone, digoxin, phenobarbitone and free T4, vital tests that we carry out every day for our patients.
In addition this sophisticated device allows us to screen for allergies and infectious diseases, measure bone calcium and test for congenital conditions as well as a range of conditions including diabetes and hepatitis.
In almost every case we’ll have the results of these tests back in minutes, with the most complex taking no more than an hour. All of our staff are fully trained in the operation of this complex technology and, with your pet’s samples never leaving our premises, our clients can rest assured that samples will never be degraded and results will be accurate. All results are also digitally stored with your pet’s patient records for future reference.
Haematology testing
Augmenting the Immulite 1000 is our VetScan HM5, a fully-automated 5-part differential cell counter specifically designed for veterinary applications. Using just 50uL of blood it provides us with 22 haematology parameters with cellular histograms for 15 different species in just minutes. We use the VetScan daily, for biochemistry testing, to complete routine annual checkups, make timely diagnoses and devise appropriate treatment plans tailored to individual patients.
Completing the sophisticated technology in our pathology lab are devices to carry out ECGs (electro-cardiograms) for heart function and equipment to extract stem cells.
Find all of our veterinary services here...
Use the links below to visit each of our hospital departments and discover the extensive range of clinical and surgical facilities you'll find at Alpine Animal Doctors.
Diagnostic Tools
Pathology Lab
Radiology Suite
Surgical Suite
Dentistry Suite
ICU & Recovery Wards
Our state-of-the-art hospital technology allows us to offer our clients an extensive range of services for all animals. Click here to discover our full range of veterinary services.