Vale: Bugman Wyath

Born: October 1993. Died: March 2011.

Bugman was well known in the area, often accompanying his Dad, Trevor (Trout) Wyath around the local gardens Trevor maintains. He’ll be well remembered; it’s hard to forget a nature as fierce and obstreperous as his!

But at the end he suffered from dry eye and renal failure, needing constant medication, so his grumpy old man routine can be forgiven, even that last, heartfelt parting growl at Dr Bek!

He left a reminder for us though; throughout April 2011 Bugman’s face adorned a Melbourne tram, his contribution to the Royal Children’s Hospital Good Friday Appeal.

Bugman is desperately missed by Trevor, his Mum, Rosie Spicer, and his companion, Pepe, a Papillon Cross.