Archive for the Dog Diseases Category


Heartworm is a large parasite — up to 30 cm long — that lives in the heart and the main blood vessels of the lungs of infected dogs. Transmitted from dog to dog by mosquitoes, the parasite begins its growth within the mosquito and is injected into the dog’s bloodstream as the mosquito bites…

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The parasitic hookworm gets its name from the hook-like mouthparts they use to attach themselves to the intestinal wall. Despite being very small — about 3 mm long — they can suck substantial amounts of blood from tiny vessels in the intestinal wall, and a large infestation can cause anaemia…

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‘Hotspots’ is a common term for a painful, itchy, moist skin rash, a form of dermatitis, that can affect any part of the dog’s body…

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Hypothyroidism is caused by an inactive thyroid, often following the destruction of the thyroid gland, usually by the patient’s own immune system. Genetics play a role in the condition, which is more common in certain breeds…

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Kennel Cough

Kennel cough, or infectious canine tracheobronchitis, is a highly contagious* condition in dogs that affects the throat, trachea (windpipe) and, on rare occasions, the lungs. It is most commonly characterised by a persistent, dry, harsh hacking cough, often producing white frothy saliva…

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Luxating patella

The patella is the bone commonly called the knee cap. In the dog, normal movement is for the patella to slide up and down within a groove on the femur — the thigh bone, the bone above the knee joint — as the knee is bent and straightened. Sometimes a patella will luxate (dislocate), meaning it slips out of this groove and to the side…

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Mange (demodicosis)

Demodex canis is a mite that lives in the hair follicles of canine skin and is present in small numbers in most healthy dogs, horses and even humans. Transmission occurs from the bitch to nursing pups by direct contact during the first 2 or 3 days of neonatal life…

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Strictly speaking, obesity is not in itself an ‘illness’ or a disease. You can call it a syndrome; a condition of excess body weight, defined as fat accumulation, where the body weight is 15% or more above the ideal weight, and great enough to cause harm to health or wellbeing…

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OCD (Osteochondrosis dissecans)

Osteochondrosis dissecans, or OCD, is a common bone condition occurring in young, rapidly growing dogs and seen in many breeds, particularly the larger breeds including the Rottweiler, Bernese Mountain Dog and Labradors…

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Paracetamol poisoning in dogs

Ingestion of human medicines is one of the major causes of poisonings in dogs and cats, accounting for 25 per cent of all poisoning cases. You should never give human pain relief medications to your domestic pets…

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