Archive for the Cat Diseases Category


Atopy is an allergic condition that can affect both cats and dogs. It is thought to be inherited, and is usually first seen between 6 months and 4 years of age, although it’s possible from 3 months to 7 years.  Susceptible animals become allergic to pollens — grasses, trees, weeds — dust mites, mould and fungal spores, wool,

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Osteoarthritis (also called degenerative joint disease  or DJD in veterinary medicine) is a progressive deterioration within the joints, where degeneration of the cartilage lining the ends of bones, changes of the underlying bone at the joints and changes of the joint capsule that secretes the joint fluid leads to constant and often severe pain. Osteoarthritis affects both dogs

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Cat flu

Cat flu, or Feline Respiratory Disease, is primarily caused by any one of many strains of two viruses — a herpes virus and a calicivirus. The infection is spread by contact with another infected cat, or through contact with infected objects, which can be brushes, food and water bowls, bedding, or anything an infected animal has been in

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Chronic Renal Failure

Chronic renal failure, sometimes referred to as kidney disease, is a serious disease that progresses over time, and is one of the most common conditions affecting cats. Chronic renal failure can occur in cats of any age but is most commonly seen in middle-aged to senior cats. Around one in five cats over 15 years of age has

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The conjunctiva is the thin, pink membranes surrounding the eye, lining the globe, inner eyelids and third eyelid and forming a seal with the inner surface of the eyelids. Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of this membrane which then becomes swollen and reddened, often making it more visible. Conjunctivitis can affect one or both eyes in cats and dogs.

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Constipation is a condition most commonly seen in middle-aged and senior cats, and in entire male dogs with prostatic enlargement. It’s an uncomfortable and frequently very painful condition resulting from an abnormal accumulation of faeces leading to difficulty in passing bowel motions. This may result in reduced frequency or absence of defecation, and/or excessive straining to defecate. The

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Dental disease

Dental disease is far and away the biggest health issue facing cats. The extent of poor oral health in cats is huge, of epidemic proportions. We don’t really know how extensive the problem is in cats but it’s certainly worse than in in dogs — and, by the time they reach the age of three, 80% of all

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Diabetes mellitus is a serious disorder caused by an insulin deficiency. Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas that is secreted into the blood after eating. Its roles are twofold: to promote the storage of glucose, as ready to use glycogen and for later use as fat, and to stop glucose formation from stored body fats; and

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Ear infections

Sore ears are common in both dogs and cats. The design their ear canals allows debris, wax and moisture to accumulate within the ear. This is even more likely in breeds with long, floppy ears. Ears with lots of folds and ears with lots of hair growing in the ear canal are more likely to suffer problems. A

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Fatty Liver disease

Fatty liver disease, or Hepatic Lipidosis/Idiopathic Hepatic Lipidosis, is the most common cause of  liver disease in cats. It is caused when a cat stops eating, or severely reduces its food intake, leading to anorexia. With little or no nutrient intake, the body begins to use the animal’s fat stores as fuel. These fat stores are sent to

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